Agile Coaching

Agile transition should be a journey with a certified expert in agile. Agile coaches help teams and organizations eliminate gaps and embrace agile practices into reality. A devoted agile consultant will spend time with a team to support them. The team will be conscious of their workflow and learn how to collaborate successfully.  An agile coach is a vital part to helping teams achieve maximum results. Our Malandro certified consultants will guide a team and organization to a much faster ramp up in their agile implementation.

The benefit of doing agile is:

  • It diminishes the risk in response to changes made to the system
  • It increases ROI ( Return of Investment)
  • It progresses the process continuously
  • It constantly and promptly looks into actual working software


Agile Implementation

The success of every Scrum implementation will finally find its master in its Sponsor. The Sponsor is someone who is strongly connected with the organization, has huge decision-making power and influences the leading strategy. Most often this is the CEO or CTO, or someone who is very close.

To successfully scale up Agile adoption, the implementation team, with direction from leadership, should draft the long-term plan to sustain the change and embed it in the organization’s culture. Rewards and recognition are key tools to communicate the leadership commitment and support to sustained Agile adoption.

In implementation we have to understand

  • Current state of affairs and how the teams operate
  • Key challenges faced by the team and its management
  • Key stakeholders and their expectations
  • Gaps in terms of knowledge and skill levels of the team
  • Historic data to understand the performance of the team